
Vaccination, Microchipping, Weight Management and more

  • Consultations
  • Vaccination
  • Microchipping
  • Weight Management
  • Insurance Claims


Now we offer 20 minute consultations in order have a proper conversation with you.

We always aim to listen more than we talk and we do our best to offer a range of solutions where appropriate. Our highly skilled Vets take pride in ensuring that we get a full picture of your pet and the concerns that you have.

You can rest assured that you are in good hands from the minute you walk through the door and we will do everything we can to make your visit as stress free as possible. 

If there is something specific that you are concerned about, please let our Receptionists know when you book, so that we can ensure we are as prepared as possible.


As a practice we strongly believe in vaccination as a way of preventing your pet contracting life threatening diseases. Annual check-ups, performed at the the same time as the vaccination, are also a great way of detecting early signs of illness. We use up-to-date vaccination protocols, striking the balance between effective protection for your pets, but avoiding over-vaccination. Our vets are always happy to discuss the right vaccination protocol for your pet’s environment.

We can vaccinate your DOG against:

  • Parvovirus
  • Distemper
  • Infectious hepatitis
  • Leptospirosis
  • Parainfluenza

(above are included in your annual vaccination)

  • Kennel Cough (required by certain boarding kennels)
  • Rabies (for dogs traveling abroad)
  • Herpes (breeding bitches)

We can vaccinate your CAT against:

  • Flu
  • Enteritis
  • Feline Leukaemia virus

(above are included in your annual vaccination)

  • Chlamydia (for those at increased risk, eg breeding and colony cats)
  • Rabies (for cats traveling abroad)

We can vaccinate your RABBIT against:

  • Myxomatosis
  • HVD


Microchipping your dog is compulsory 

Inserting a microchip under your pet’s skin proves to be a useful and safe means of identifying your pet and recovering them if lost. It is also utilised by the police as a means of proving ownership. The microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, is implanted between the shoulder-blades. When activated by the microchip reader, it gives your pet a unique 15 digit code which is entered onto our own database, as well as the national Petlog database.

It is vital to remember to keep your Petlog details up-to-date, especially any changes to phone numbers.

For further information on the new microchip regulations, go to Welsh Assembly Microchipping laws.

The law (Control of dogs Act 1992) does require that your dog must also wear a name / address tag on its collar or harness when out in public.

If you are thinking of getting your cat microchipped, it is included in our Healthcare Plan.

Weight Management

Carrying too much weight is a common problem in our domestic pets, and can contribute to a multitude of debilitating conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Skin infections
  • Liver disease
  • Bladder problems

 It can also cause your pet to be at much higher risk during any anaesthetic and surgical procedure.

Our nurses are available to give comprehensive weight management advice, free of charge.

We often have special offers on weight management diets too, which our nurses can discuss with you at your appointment.

Basic principles of weight control work wonders! Reduce the amount of calories going in, or increase the amount of calories being used through the day. The most common problem we find is that an animal’s food intake is not calculated properly and / or titbits are fed in-between meals. 

A good starting point is to check the side of your pet’s food bag / tin and work out what should be given for your pet’s ideal weight (not its actual weight). Measure it out accurately then divide into 2 meals per day, and give no other extras. If you wish to give ‘treats’ for training or as part of routine, then take them out of the ration, don’t add them on as extra.


Insurance Claims

On 5th September 2022 there will be a change in the way we process pet insurance claims. 

We have, to date, resisted the need to charge you a fee for processing an insurance claim on your behalf.  However recently we have seen a considerable increase in the volume of insurance claims that we now have to manage on a weekly basis.  In addition to this there has been an increase in the additional information required by insurance companies and insurance companies are taking longer to settle claims.  All of this means that it has become a full-time job for a member of our team to process all the insurance claims within the practice.  

It has therefore become necessary to charge a fee for processing insurance claims as follows: 

  • £10 admin fee for indirect claims (where you settle your bill and your insurance company reimburses you) per clinical condition per year  
  • £30 admin fee  for direct claims (where your insurance company pay us directly) per condition per year   

Our commitment to you includes to 

  • Complete the claim form and have it signed by one of our vets 
  • Attach the full clinical history for your animal with the claim form 
  • Write a report for the insurance company as requested 
  • Provide any further information as requested by the insurance company – for example xrays.  
  • Send it promptly to the insurer electronically or by post.  

Please note that the fees will only be applied once in any year. 

For those clients with existing / ongoing claims, please phone for a chat with Hailey about how this may affect you.

For more information about Insurance Claims, please click here.

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