We have the facilities to manage almost all types of surgery in-house. Types of surgery regularly undertaken include:
Skin surgery including mass removals, reconstructions, skin flaps, anal gland removal
Abdominal surgery including reproductive, gastrointestinal, bladder, liver
ENT surgery including laryngeal paralysis, brachycephalic obstruction, ear canal ablations, thyroid gland removal
Orthopaedics including fracture repair, arthrodesis, cruciate ligament (including TTA)
Our RCVS Surgery Certificate holder is able to perform many of the non-routine surgeries at our Haverfordwest surgery, whilst all members of the team perform our routine surgery. Where a surgery cannot be performed in-house (spinal surgery for example) prompt referral to an appropriate specialist can be arranged.
Our general anaesthetics are all monitored continuously by a qualified veterinary nurse. More complicated anaesthetics can be arranged.
Anaesthesia is the production of freedom from pain with relaxation. A local anaesthetic produces anaesthesia in one area of the body. General anaesthesia is far more useful in veterinary practice as it also produces a state of compliance in the patient. Under general anaesthesia the patient is rendered unconscious.
Many clients have great concerns regarding anaesthesia. However, with proper patient assessment, the use of appropriate modern anaesthetics, close patient monitoring and support, anaesthesia can be conducted safely.
At The Oak Veterinary Group, a veterinary surgeon conducts each and every pre-anaesthetic examination and may recommend further tests before deciding on an anesthetic. The anaesthetic is administered by veterinary surgeons and is monitored through to recovery by qualified veterinary nurses, so that any problems can be acted on immediately.
Sometimes sedation will be used to conduct certain procedures. A sedation calms the patient, and can be used with an analgesic to provide freedom from pain.
Many operations involve a degree of discomfort to the patient. Modern anaesthesia incorporates the use of pain relief before, during and after anaesthesia so that the patient can recover in a pain-free environment.