
Advice and support during this difficult time

Even with the company of others you can feel alone after the loss of a loved one. Whether it is human or animal. The unique and special bond created between you and your pet cannot be filled when they leave. We all hope our pets live a long, full life and die peacefully in their sleep. However, this does not always happen, and it can be for you to decide if it is time. We cannot make it all better, but we will lend you our ears and support.

We hope that this information will provide you with some comfort and that you will feel able to give us a call if you have any worries or questions. The grief can start before the loss of your pet and affect your day-to-day life.

Is it time to say 'Goodbye'?

We can help you to assess your pet’s quality of life. Their welfare ultimately comes first. However, that doesn't make the decision any easier and you can have the burden of feeling you have not tried enough, or the opposite, and held on too long and potentially prolonged their suffering.


There is never a perfect time… But if you are searching for the good days or moments, it may be time to consider letting them rest.


It is one of the most selfless acts as a pet owner.


If you are surrounded by those that do not understand the grief you are going through with remarks such as ‘it’s just a dog’ or ‘you can get another one’ you can feel like your grief is being belittled. This can cause the feeling of greater loneliness and further upset.

You can contact us for:

  • Help assessing your pet's quality of life and choosing when the time is right to decide on euthanasia.
  • Advice on supporting grieving pets.
  • Planning burial/cremation options in advance.

If grief is meaning that you are struggling to cope, becoming depressed with ‘no light at the end of the tunnel’ or are experiencing suicidal thoughts please ring your GP to seek professional counselling.

Alternatively, you can call The Samaritans on 116 123 for FREE from any UK phone, they are available 24/7 and 365 days of the year. Or Blue Cross on 0800 096 6606.


There will be a small amount of paperwork that will need to be completed before hand. This is a consent form, and confirmation of your choice for afterwards. This could be completed before the appointment in some cases.

On an individual basis your pet may need some sedation to help them relax, this will be an injection given into their muscle. A small amount of fur will be clipped off the front legs and cleaned with a spirited swab. This allows the vein to be visualised. The vet will give the injection straight into the vein or an intravenous catheter will be placed which will require taking your pet into another room (this usually will take only a few minutes). The injection used is an overdose of an anaesthetic. It will have an effect within a few seconds to a few minutes. First the brain, then the rest of the body including stopping the heart. As the muscles relax, they may toilet, twitch or move or appear to take a deep breath. They are not consciously doing this.

Euthanasia is very quick and peaceful and apart from the scratch of the needle the injection itself is painless.

Remember the vet will talk you through everything that is happening and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Afterwards you can choose to take your pet home, or we can arrange cremation for you. We use a pet crematorium called CPC which is based in Cambridge.

We offer two cremation options:

Communal – the cremation will occur with other animals; you do not get the ashes back. Prices for a cat £64. Prices for a dog start from £82 (Euthanasia cost not included).

Private – only your pet is cremated, and the ashes are returned to you in a scatter box/casket of your choice. Prices start from £230 (Euthanasia cost not included).

We realise this is a difficult and emotional time for you. To avoid any delay in the process and allow you to grieve in peace at home, we respectfully request payment on the day or prior to your appointment if you prefer.

Supporting children

For many children, a family pet will be their first experience of death and grief.

Children under 2 years of age may not understand death but may miss the presence of the animal.

2 to 4 year olds may understand that their pet is gone, but not fully understand the permanence of death.

5 to 10 year olds may be curious about the death of their pet and ask questions about it.

Teenagers may be more prone to withdrawing and avoiding talking about their feelings. 

Once again please remember there is support out there should you feel you need it. 

The Samaritans on 116 123 for FREE from any UK phone

Blue Cross on 0800 096 6606.